National Industrialization Company (TASNEE) is pleased to announce the opening of the nomination for membership of the Board of Directors for the next Four-year term starting on 06/07/2025 and ending on 05/07/2029, upon that candidates who wish to nominate themselves for the membership of the Board of Directors and who meet the relevant conditions and standards must submit their nomination applications within the specified period and in accordance with the details contained in this announcement. Nomination will be in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Law issued by the Ministry of Commerce and the Corporate Governance Regulations issued by the Capital Market Authority, in addition to the Company’s Articles of Association, and the Board Membership Policy approved by the Company’s General Assembly. The candidate must fulfill the conditions of membership stated in the relevant regulations, the Board Membership Policy approved by the general assembly (attached), and complete the following requirements: 1. Submit a signed letter to the Company indicating the candidate's desire of his nomination during the one-month nomination period, along with the candidate's resume, qualifications, and experience in the Company's business, in accordance with the relevant regulatory forms and requirements. 2. Submit a statement including the names of the joint-stock companies in which the candidate is a member of their boards of directors and committees. 3. Submit a statement of the companies or entities in which the candidate participates in their management or ownership which carry out and engages in activities similar to the company's business. 4. Submit Form No. (1) in Arabic and English, relating to the CV (attached). 5. Submit a signed copy of Form No. (3) in Arabic and English which issued by the Capital Market Authority for candidacy of membership in the Board of Directors (attached). 6. Attach a clear and valid copy of the national identity card for individuals, as well as the family ID (for married persons), a copy of the passport for non-Saudis, and any other relevant documents required by the company to meet the requirements of the regulatory authorities. Candidates will be elected to the Board of Directors during the General Assembly meeting which will be announced later after obtaining the necessary approvals from the competent authorities. |