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Market Data
The Saudi Exchange provides comprehensive market data services related to all trading activities on the multiple asset classes listed on the Saudi Exchange. Multiple timing options are available for clients to choose from, whether real-time or delayed, and depth options ranging from Best Price to Full Depth. Moreover, historical data is available for all asset classes listed on the Saudi Exchange.
Market Data offerings include, but are not limited to:
- Best Price: Information on last sale price, best bid and offer prices for all instruments traded on the Saudi Exchange.
- Market Depth: Information showing the last sale price plus the best five (5) bid & offer prices for all instruments traded on the Saudi Exchange.
- Premium: Information on the full depth of the order book, giving users access to additional price levels and information via multiple channels.
- End-of-Day Data: End of Day Information for all Listed Instruments over the past five (5) years.
- TV Ticker: Real-time or Delayed Information for broadcast media use, displayed in a TV Ticker.
- Website Ticker: Information delayed by at least five (5) minutes for website use, presented in a Website Ticker.
- Mutual Funds Daily Report: Daily report on mutual funds’ unit valuation, Net Assets Value as well as the Unit Valuation Change (YTD).
- Issuers Information: Market information for listed companies on their listed securities such as the last price, total volume, total value, number of trades, market capitalization and net income for website use.
- Other information from the Saudi Exchange Website: Information as made available by the Saudi Exchange from time-to-time and published on the Saudi Exchange website.
- Market Data Feed (MDF): Market information for clients sourced directly from the Exchange.
For more information on the services provided, please call us at +966 92000 1919. You may also contact us via email at csc@saudiexchange.sa