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In line with Saudi Exchange’s commitment to delivering the highest standards of corporate governance, several Board Committees have been established to ensure compliance with corporate governance requirements as stated in the Securities Exchanges and Depository Centers Regulations. The Committees are responsible for overseeing the governance framework and ensuring that key information is disclosed.
Board Committees
Audit Committee
Includes monitoring the Company’s performance and verifying the validity and integrity of financial reports and statements as well as internal control systems.
Committee Members:
- Mr. Saleh AlYahya - Chairperson
- Dr. Roland G. Bellegarde - Member
- Mr. Abdullah Al-Elsheikh - Member
- Mr. Zaid Al-Mufareh Member - Independent
- Mr. Yazeed Al-Eidi - Member
Compliance Committee
Includes supervising the activities and operations of Saudi Exchange to ensure that it continues to apply all legal and regulatory requirements and obligations issued by the Government of Saudi Arabia, relevant competent authorities, Saudi Tadawul Group Holding Company, Subsidiaries and any other relevant entity to achieve the highest levels of integrity.
Committee Members:
- Eng. Khalid Al-Hussan - Chairperson
- Mr. Abdullah Al-Elsheikh - Member
- Mr. Khalid Al-Gheriri - Member
- Ms. Maha Al-Beshr - Member
- Mr. Yazeed Al-Eidi - Member
Information Technology Committee
Includes overseeing the implementation of the Group Information Technology Strategy and policies related to the Company and digital enablement, and following up on KRIs reports related to information technology, in addition to reviewing and monitoring the plans and programs that ensures the implementation of the information technology governance while ensuring its adequacy, verifying any information technology related incidents and following-up on the corrective actions and make the necessary recommendation to the Board thereto.
Committee Members:
- Eng. Khalid Al-Hussan - Chairperson
- Mr. Al-Hasan Al-Shram - Member
- Mr. Mohammed Al-Nory - Member
- Mr. Shahrukh Qureshi - Member
- Mr. Yazeed Al-Eidi - Member
Regulatory Policy and Oversight Committee
The committee supervises the work of the Regulatory Oversight & Authorization Division related to the company, which acts as the executive arm responsible for regulations, controls and supervision activities. The tasks include reviewing regulations and rules of the Exchange and any amendments thereto and to supervise communication and coordination between the Exchange and the Capital Market Authority in matters related to the Exchange’s regulations.
Committee Members:
- Dr. Abdullah Al-Abdulqader - Chairperson - Independent
- Dr. Abdulrhman Al-Khalaf - Member- Independent
- H.E. Dr. Najim Al-Zaid - Member- Independent
- Eng. Khalid Al-Hussan Member - Non-Executive
Risk Management Committee
Includes overseeing the implementation of the necessary policies for risk management and security approved by the Saudi Tadawul Group Holding Company, including but not limited to, risk management policy, business continuity policy, anti-fraud policy and the information security policy, in addition to following up on KRIs reports of the Company and ensuring verification of any risk-related incident, based on a request by the Board.
Committee Members:
- Mr. Turki Al-Malik - Chairperson
- Mr. Fahad Al-Deweesh - Member - Independent
- Mr. AlHasan N.Ashram - Member
- Mr. Wael Al-Hazzani - Member
- Mr. Mohammed Al-Nory - Member