

Announcement of United International Holding Company’s intention to proceed with an initial public offering and listing on the Main Market of the Saudi Exchange

0.00 %
1446/04/17     20/10/2024 07:35:07

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Announcement Detail HSBC Saudi Arabia in its capacity as the Sole Financial Adviser, Lead manager, Joint Bookrunner and Underwriter on the potential initial public offering of United International Holding Company (“UIHC” or the “Company”) announces the Company’s intention to proceed with the initial public offering and listing of its ordinary shares (the “IPO”) on the Main Market of the Saudi Exchange, by way of sale of existing shares representing 30% of the Company’s shares.

The Saudi Exchange approved the Company’s application for the listing of the Company’s shares on the Main Market on 11 June 2024G and the Capital Market Authority (“CMA”) approved the Company’s application for the initial public offering of 7,500,000 ordinary shares (representing 30% of the Company’s share capital) on 26 June 2024G. The price at which all subscribers in the offering will purchase the offered shares will be determined after the book-building period.

For more information, please visit the Capital Market Authority website ( and UIHC ( where the Offering Prospectus will be published.

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