Al-Jouf Agricultural Development Co. Announces an update on the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with E Green Global (EGG) Korea
Element List | Explanation |
Introduction | With reference to the company's announcement on 23-01-2024G, about the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Korean company E Green Global (EGG) to transfer the technology of potato seed production and to be produced locally in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the company's announcement on 21-07-2024G regarding the extension of the memorandum. And as the approaching expiry of the MoU and the discussions are still ongoing, The company would like to announce to its shareholders the extension of the memorandum of understanding for an additional period of 60 Days |
Previous Announcement | Al-Jouf Agricultural Development Co. Announces an update on the Memorandum of Understanding with E Green Global (EGG) Korea |
Date of Previous Announcement on Saudi Exchange’s Website | 2024-07-21 Corresponding to 1446-01-15 |
Hyperlink to the Previous Announcement on the Saudi Exchange Website | Click Here |
Latest Developments Of The Announced Event | as the approaching expiry of the MOU and the discussions are still ongoing, The company would like to announce to its shareholders the extension of the memorandum of understanding for an additional period of 60 Days. |
The costs associated with the event, and if they have changed or not with indication of the reasons. | N/A |
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