

Saudi Enaya Cooperative Insurance Co. Board invites its shareholders to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting the (First Meeting)

-0.47 %
1446/07/20     20/01/2025 08:10:56

Element ListExplanation
Introduction The Board of Directors of Saudi Enaya Cooperative Insurance Company hereby cordially invites the shareholders to attend, participate and vote in the first Extraordinary General Assembly meeting which will be held virtually through the modern technology means at 6:30 PM Monday, 10/02/2025G corresponding to 11/08/1446H using Tadawulaty System
City and Location of the General Assembly's Meeting Through modern technology means from the Company's headquarters in Jeddah city
Hyperlink of the Meeting Location Click Here
Date of the General Assembly's Meeting 2025-02-10 Corresponding to 1446-08-11
Time of the General Assembly’s Meeting 18:30
Methodology of Convening the General Assembly’s Meeting Via modern technology means
Attendance Eligibility, Registration Eligibility, and Voting End Shareholders who are registered in the issuers shareholders record at the Depositary Center by the end of the trade session prior to the general assembly meeting and in accordance with the laws and regulations. The shareholder has the right to delegate whomever other than the board of directors. The right to register a name to attend the general assembly meeting ends at the time of convening the general assembly meeting. The attendees right to vote on the items of the assembly’s agenda ends upon the end of screening the votes by the Screening Committee.
Quorum for Convening the General Assembly's Meeting The Extraordinary General Assembly meeting shall be valid if attended by shareholders representing at least half of the capital. If the necessary quorum is not available to hold this meeting, the second meeting will be held an hour after the end of the period specified for convening the first meeting, and the second meeting will be valid if attended by shareholders representing at least a quarter of the capital.
General Assembly Meeting Agenda Voting on amending the Company's bylaws to comply with the new Companies Law and rearranging the articles and numbering them to be compatible with the proposed amendments. (attached)
Proxy Form
The shareholder right in discussing the assembly agenda topics, asking questions, and exercising the voting right The shareholders present have the right to discuss the topics on the agenda and ask questions. Shareholders registered in Tadawulaty services can vote on the items of the Extraordinary General Assembly agenda online starting from 1:00 AM on Thursday 07/08/1446 H, corresponding to 06/02/2025 G until the end of Extraordinary General Assembly meeting through the following link:

Details of the electronic voting on the Assembly’s agenda Shareholders registered in Tadawulaty services can vote on the items of the Extraordinary General Assembly agenda online starting from 1:00 AM on Thursday 07/08/1446 H, corresponding to 06/02/2025 G until the end of Extraordinary General Assembly meeting through the following link:

Note that registration and voting through Tadawulaty services are available free of charge to all shareholders.

Method of Communication in Case of Any Enquiries through one of the following means:

Tel: 0122119459


Inquiries must be sent including the ID number

Attached Documents  

The Capital Market Authority and Saudi Exchange take no responsibility for the contents of this disclosure, make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness, and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from, or incurred in reliance upon, any part of this disclosure, and the issuer accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in it and confirms, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, there are no other facts or information the omission of which would make the disclosure misleading, incomplete or inaccurate.

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Key Parameters
Last Price 12.82
Net Change -0.06 (-0.47%)
Value Traded (Sar) 2,766,201.96
Volume Traded 216,397
See The Company Profile



