

United International Holding Company announces Appointment of Acting CEO

0.00 %
1446/06/15     16/12/2024 08:08:57

Element ListExplanation
Introduction Further to the company’s announcement on Tadawul website dated Sunday, December 8, 2024, regarding the passing of the company's CEO, Mr. Sakhr Abdulrahman Mohammed Almulhem (May Allah have mercy on his soul), and in the interest of safeguarding the company’s and its shareholders’ interests, United International Holding Company announces the Board of Directors’ decision, issued in December 15, 2024, to appoint the Vice Chairman, Mr. Mohammed Galal Ali Fahmy, as the Acting CEO of United International Holding Company to manage the company’s affairs during the interim period until a new CEO is appointed. This decision is effective as of the date of the Board’s resolution
Element ListExplanation
Appointment Type Delegation
Name of the Appointed Person Mr. Mohammed Galal Ali Fahmy
Date of Board Resolution 2024-12-15 Corresponding to 1446-06-14
Date Work Commencement 2024-12-15 Corresponding to 1446-06-14
Brief Resume Mr. Mohammed Galal Ali Fahmy, Vice Chairman of United International Holding Company, brings over 30 years of experience in strategic planning and the financial sector. He holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Ain Shams University, earned in 1985

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Last Price 194.0
Net Change 0.0 (0.0%)
Value Traded (Sar) 17,382,418
Volume Traded 89,481
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