

Paper Home Company announces the deposit of the amounts from selling the shares fractions resulted from the company’s capital Increase in the eligible shareholder’s accounts

0.00 %
1446/06/11     12/12/2024 15:47:12

Element ListExplanation
Introduction Paper Home Company announces the deposit of the amounts returned from the sale of fractional shares resulting from the increase in the company’s capital in the accounts of eligible shareholders based on the approval of the Extraordinary General Assembly, which was held on 25/11/2024 AD dated 23/05/1446
Share’s Fractions Sale Completion Date 2024-12-01 Corresponding to 1446-05-29
Number of Sold Shares 42
Share’s Fractions Selling Returned Amount 6439.99
Average Selling Price per share 153.60
Deposit Date of The Return Amount from Share’s Fractions Selling in Eligible Shareholder’s Accounts 2024-12-12 Corresponding to 1446-06-11
Name and Contact Method of Responsible Entity Distributing The Return Amount from Share’s Fractions Selling in Eligible Shareholder’s Accounts The proceeds from the sale of fractional shares were distributed by depositing them in bank accounts linked to the investment portfolios of eligible shareholders.

In the event of any inquiries or non-receipt of the due fractional amounts after the deposit date, please contact the Investor Relations Department at 00966559984233 or at the email:

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Last Price 151.0
Net Change 0.0 (0.0%)
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