

Electrical Industries Company announces the appointment of the Chairman of the Board, the Vice Chairman, the Managing Director, the Formation of the Board Committees, the appointment of the Company’s Representatives and the appointment of the Board’s Secretary

0.14 %
1446/06/08     09/12/2024 09:05:26

Element ListExplanation
Announcement Detail With reference to the results of the Ordinary General Assembly meeting held on 04-12-2024, which included the election of the Board of Directors of Electrical Industries Co. for the new term, starting from 09-12-2024 for four years, ending on 08-12-2028, the Company is pleased to announce to its shareholders about the Board of Directors resolution dated 08-12-2024 as per the following:

First: Appointment of Mr. Yousef Ali ALQuraishi (Non- Executive) as the Chairman of the Board

Second: Appointment of Eng. Mahmoud Mohammed ALToukhi (Non- Executive) as the Vice Chairman of the Board

Third: Appointment of Eng. Tariq Mohammed ALTahini (Executive) as the Managing Director

Fourth: Formation of the Audit Committee from the following:

1-Mr. Sattam Abdulaziz ALZamil (Independent) Chairman

2-Mr. Abdulaziz Saud ALShabeebi (from Outside the board) Member

3-Eng. Khalid Sulaiman ALHarbi (Independent) Member

Fifth: Formation of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee from the following:

1-Mr. Jameel Abdullah ALMolhem (Independent) Chairman

2-Mr. Faisal Saleh ALQuraishi (Non- Executive) Member

3-Mr. Bader Brahim ALSuwailem (Non- Executive) Member

Sixth: Appointment of the Company’s Representatives to the Capital Market Authority and the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) for all purposes related to the implementation of the Capital Market Law and its executive regulations.

Seventh: Appointment of the secretary of the Board of Directors

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Last Price 7.31
Net Change 0.01 (+0.14%)
Value Traded (Sar) 15,304,570.79
Volume Traded 2,105,625
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