In light of the provisions governing the membership of the Board of Directors, the policy, criteria and procedures for candidacy for membership of the Board of Directors shall be in accordance with the following: • Meet the criteria mentioned in the Board Membership Policy approved by the General Assembly of the Company. • The nominated member should not hold the membership of more than five listed joint stock companies at the same time. • Submit the candidacy application within the period specified in the announcement by the Remuneration and Nomination Committee, and the following documents shall be attached to the candidacy application: 1. Complete and sign the Company's candidacy application form in Arabic and English (attached) 2. Complete Form No. (1) CV Arabic and English. (attached) 3. Complete and sign the form issued by the Capital Market Authority for candidacy for membership of the Board of Directors in Arabic and English. (attached) 4. The candidate's curriculum vitae, including information about his profession, the main position he currently occupies, his qualifications and experience in the field of the Company's business. 5. Attach a statement of the number and date of his membership in the boards of directors of joint stock companies, and the committees in which he was or is still a member. 6. Attach a statement of the companies or institutions that he participates in managing or owning and carrying out business similar to the company's business. 7. A clear copy of the national ID or residence, or passport for non-Saudis, including the candidate's contact numbers. 8. All documents and certificates supporting what is stated in the candidacy application in Arabic, and certified by the official authorities. 9. If the candidate has previously served as a member of the Board of Directors of Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (Marafiq), he must attach to the candidacy application a statement from the Company's management for the last session in which he became a member of the Board, including the following information: • The number of meetings of the Board of Directors that took place during each year of the session, the number of meetings attended by the member authentically and the percentage of his attendance to the total meetings. The committees in which the member participated, the number of meetings held by each of those committees during each year of the session, the number of meetings attended and the percentage of his attendance to the total meetings. • Clarify the status of membership, if the candidate is an executive member, a non-executive member or an independent member. The Remuneration and Nomination Committee shall study the candidates' applications received in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (2) of Article Sixty-Two of the Corporate Governance Regulations issued by the Board of the Capital Market Authority, which stated that one of the competencies and responsibilities of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee is to recommend to the Board of Directors the nomination and remuneration of its members in accordance with the approved policies and standards, taking into account not to nominate any person who has previously been convicted of a crime against trust. Note that voting in the General Assembly will be limited to candidates for membership of the Board in accordance with the conditions and criteria for candidacy. |