Scientific & Medical Equipment House Co. announces the Board of Directors' recommendation to distribute cash dividends to the company's shareholders for the fiscal year 2023.
Element List | Explanation |
Introduction | Scientific & Medical Equipment House Co. announces the Board of Directors' recommendation to distribute cash dividends to shareholders for the fiscal year 2023, as follows: |
Date of the board’s recommendation | 2024-11-07 Corresponding to 1446-05-05 |
The Total amount distributed | 30,000,000 Saudi Riyals |
Number of Shares Eligible for Dividends | 30,000,000 shares |
Dividend per share | (1) One Saudi Riyal per share |
Percentage of Dividend to the Share Par Value (%) | 10 |
Eligibility date | Dividends are due to the company's shareholders who own shares by the end of the day of the General Assembly meeting and are registered in the company's records with the Securities Depository Center by the end of the second trading day following the date of the General Assembly meeting. The date of the meeting will be announced at a later time after obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals. |
Distribution Date | The distribution date will be determined later after the General Assembly approves this recommendation, as the company intends to call for the assembly after obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals. |
The name of other official authorities and the details of their non-refusal to the recommendation or decision | Not applicable |
Additional Information | The company would like to draw the attention of shareholders with investment portfolios that their cash dividends will be directly deposited into their bank accounts linked to their investment portfolios. The company urges shareholders to update their information with the banks holding their accounts to ensure the direct deposit of their future due dividends. The company also informs foreign non-resident shareholders that cash distributions transferred through the resident financial intermediary are subject to a withholding tax of 5% upon transfer or when credited to their accounts, in accordance with Article (68) of the tax law and Article (63) of its executive regulations. For any inquiries, please contact the Investor Relations Department at: Phone number: (0114646699) extension (580) Mobile number: (0580065899) Email: |
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