

Perfect Presentation for Commercial Services Co.(2P) Announces Contract Sign Off Deanship of Information Technology at Umm Al-Qura University.

-0.57 %
1446/04/14     17/10/2024 15:48:11

Element ListExplanation
Introduction Perfect Presentation Company for Commercial Services is pleased to announce the sign off of contract for the project: Operating the Deanship of Information Technology at Umm Al-Qura University, with total value of 46,003,680.00 Riyals (only Forty-Six Million, three thousand, Six Hundred and Eighty Riyals, including VAT)
Date of Announcement of the Award 2024-04-15 Corresponding to 1445-10-06
Contract Subject Matter Operating the Deanship of Information Technology at Umm Al-Qura University
The Entity with Which the Contract was Signed Umm Al-Qura University.
Date of Signing the Contract 2024-10-16 Corresponding to 1446-04-13
Contract Value 46,003,680.00 riyals
Contract Details The scope of the project’s work includes the integrated management of technical services provided at the university affiliated with the Deanship of Information Technology, to ensure the implementation of the required outputs and the preservation of the information technology structure and all electronic works in general, including the scope of the following services:

1. Services for managing and operating main applications and supporting systems

2. Operating systems management and operation services

3. Network systems management and operation services

4. Computer management and maintenance services

5. Technical support and reports management services for applications and systems for end users

6. Services for managing and operating e-learning and distance education systems

7. Governance and quality control services

8. Digital transformation and compliance services at the Deanship of Information Technology

Contract Duration 36 months
Financial Impact and the Relevant Period Positive for the financial years 2024-2025-2026-2027
Related Parties N/A
Additional Information N/A

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