Yaqeen Capital Company in its capacity as the Financial Advisor and Lead Manager on the potential offering of SAMA Healthy Water Factory company (“SAMA Water”)(the “company”) announce the intention of the Company to offer (10,000,000) ordinary shares representing (20.00%) of the Company’s shares (“the Offering”), and the listing of the Company’s shares on the Parallel Market (“NOMU”).
The Saudi Exchange approved the Company’s application for the listing its shares on the Parallel Market (“NOMU”) on 09-09-1445H (corresponding to 03-19-2024G) and the Capital Market Authority (“CMA”) approved the Company’s application for the Offering of the Company’s shares on the Parallel Market (“NOMU”) on 28-11-1445H (corresponding to 05-06-2024G). The price at which all subscribers in the offering will purchase the Shares will be determined after the book-building period. The Offering Period will begin on Wednesday 29-03-1446H (corresponding to 02-10-2024G) and will end on Monday 05-04-1446H (corresponding to 08-10-2024G).
For more information and for the Red Herring Prospectus, please visit the Capital Market Authority website below:
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