

Nayifat Finance Co. Announces Appointment Audit Committee Member

-1.19 %
1446/03/06     09/09/2024 08:00:41

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Introduction Nayifat Finance Company announces the appointment of Dr. Abdulkareem Hamad AlNujaidi as a member of the Audit Committee (Chairman of the Committee) as of 08-09-2024, until the end of the current session of the Committee on 24-09-2025.
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Appointed Member Name Dr. AbdulKarim Hamad AlNujaidi
Membership Start Date 2024-09-08 Corresponding to 1446-03-05
Brief Resume of the Appointed Member Dr. AbdulKarim Hamad AlNujaidi has more than 37 years of experience, and currently he is a board member in several companies, including Obeikan Glass Company, Al-Jazeera Takaful Company, Othaim Markets Company and Gulf Training Company, Dr. Abdul Karim AlNujaidi obtained a MA in TESL from Colorado University, US in 2000 and a Ph.D. degrees in TESL/Linguistics from Oklahoma University, US in 2003, he obtained a BA degree in English from Al-Imam University in 1997, and an EMBA from KFUPM in 2011, a certificate in Board Governance from INSEAD Business School in 2019, and a Securities and Investment License from the Financial Academy in 2024.
The date of the approval by other official authorities SAMA approval on 08-09-2024.
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Date of Board Meeting in which Appointed New Member(s) were Appointed 2024-08-15 Corresponding to 1446-02-11
Additional Information The Board of Directors of Nayifat Finance Company decided (by circulation) on 15-08-2024 to approve the appointment of Dr. Abdulkarim Hamad AlNujaidi as a member of the Audit Committee (Chairman of the Committee) to complete the vacant position in the Committee, provided that the suitability requirements prescribed by the Saudi Central Bank are completed and its non-objection is obtained.

The composition of the Audit Committee would thus be as follows:

1- Dr. AbdulKarim Hamad AlNujaidi (Chairman of the Committee – Independent)

2- Mr. Aziz Mohammed AlQahtani (Member - Independent from outside the Board)

3- Mr. Fahad Sulaiman AlNuhait (Member - Independent from outside the Board)

The approval of the Board is not final, and this appointment will be submitted to the first meeting of the General Assembly for approval.

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