Mulkia Investment Company announces update of the terms and conditions of Mulkia Gulf Real Estate REIT Fund.
-0.54 %
1446/02/10 14/08/2024 15:49:08
Element List
Mulkia Investment Company as a fund manager of Mulkia Gulf Real Estate REIT Fund announces update the terms and conditions of Mulkia Gulf Real Estate REIT Fund, as of 14 /02/1446 AH corresponding to 18/08/2024 G.
Effective Date of the Update to Fund's Terms and Conditions
2024-08-18 Corresponding to 1446-02-14
Summary of The Main Updated Items
- Updated Real Estate Appraiser data after appointing Qaim Company.
- Updated the data of fund assets after acquired Al-Mathar residential and commercial tower
The terms and conditions can be viewed in the attachments.
The Updated Terms and Conditions
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