ActionsFesh Fash Snack Food Production Co. announces its Interim Financial results for the period ending on 2024-06-30 ( Six Months )
Element List | Current Period | Similar period for previous year | %Change | ||
Sales/Revenue | 18,977,573 | 17,351,947 | 9.368 | ||
Net profit (Loss) | 2,065,487 | 1,377,386 | 49.957 | ||
Total Shareholders Equity (after Deducting Minority Equity) | 14,990,300 | 13,999,777 | 7.075 | ||
Profit (Loss) per Share | 0.12 | 0.18 | |||
All figures are in (Actual) Saudi Arabia, Riyals |
Element List | Amount | Percentage of the capital (%) | |
Profit (Losses) Resulting From The Change In Investment Propertie’s Fair Value | - | - | |
Accumulated Losses | - | - | |
All figures are in (Actual) Saudi Arabia, Riyals |
Element List | Explanation |
The reason of the increase (decrease) in the sales/ revenues during the current period compared to the same period of the last year is | Sales increased over the same period last year to a peak of 1,625,626 riyals, a rate of 9.37%, as a result of attracting new customers, introducing new products to the market, and contracting with major commercial chains. |
The reason of the increase (decrease) in the net profit during the current period compared to the same period of the last year is | 1- An increase in revenues over the comparative period by 9.37% 2- An increase in general and administrative expenses by 37% as a result of amending the adjustment restrictions by charging the accrued expenses to an actual expense for the period, as the accrued expenses were charged at the end of the year once, such as the bonuses of employees, the Board of Directors, and other committees. 3- The purchase price of natural potatoes decreased by 57% compared to last year’s prices |
Statement of the type of external auditor's report | Unmodified conclusion |
Reclassification of Comparison Items | N / A |
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