Power and Water Utilities Company for Jubail and Yanbu (Marafiq) announces the distribution of cash dividends for first half of 2024
Element List | Explanation |
Introduction | Power and Water Utilities Company for Jubail and Yanbu (Marafiq) announces Board decision to distribute cash dividends amounting 87,500,000 SAR, representing approximately 81% of the company's net profits for its esteemed shareholders for the first half of 2024. |
Date of the board’s decision | 2024-07-31 Corresponding to 1446-01-25 |
The Total amount distributed | 87,500,000 SAR |
Number of Shares Eligible for Dividends | 250,000,000 Shares |
Dividend per share | 0.35 SAR |
Percentage of Dividend to the Share Par Value (%) | 0.35 |
Eligibility date | 2024-08-19 Corresponding to 1446-02-15 |
Distribution Date | 2024-09-05 Corresponding to 1446-03-02 |
The name of other official authorities and the details of their non-refusal to the recommendation or decision | N/A |
Additional Information | The company would like to draw the attention of non-resident investors, the dividend paid by the Company is subject to a withholding tax of 5% upon transfer to non-resident investors or credited to their bank accounts. Accordingly, the company emphasize to non-resident investors who have tax exemptions on dividends issued by the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority, to communicate with the company within 5 five calendar days from the eligibility date and to provide the company with documents supporting tax exemption. The company also notes that the shareholders who own portfolios that are linked to their bank accounts, payment will be transferred to their accounts directly, and the shareholders who have investment portfolios linked to their bank accounts that do not accept transfers, they must visit one of the Banque Saudi Fransi branches with identification to receive their dividends from the bank directly. The company calls upon its shareholders to quickly update their data and ensure that their bank account numbers are linked to their investment portfolios to ensure that their dividends are deposited in their accounts with the banks on the distribution day For more inquiries, please contact Investor Relations at: 1- Telephone No.: 0133409762 2- Mobile No.: 0500126031 3- Email: |
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