

Addendum announcement from Arabian Pipes Company regarding the recommendation of the Board of Directors to end the term of the current Board of Directors.

-0.65 %
1444/10/17     07/05/2023 08:38:52

Element ListExplanation
Introduction Referring to the company's announcement dated 02-03-1444 AH corresponding to

28-09-2022 AD regarding the recommendation of the Board of Directors dated

3-1-1444 AH corresponding to 27-09-2022 AD to end the term of the current Board of Directors, which began on 23-05-2021 AD and ends on 24-05-2024 AD.

Date of Posting the Previous Announcement of Development on Tadawul's Website 2022-09-28 Corresponding to 1444-03-02
Hyperlink to the Previous Announcement Click Here
Change on the Development Arabian Pipes Company announces that the Board of Directors decided during its meeting on Thursday corresponding to May 04, 2023 AD to cancel its previous recommendation to end the term of the current Board of Directors .This is due to the developments during the last period in light of the existing projects and their size, which exceeds 1 billion, of which SR 555 MM were contracted after the board previous recommendation to end the term, which required bank facilities from many banks to finance these projects to ensure their completion according to the agreed schedules and the continuity of work. This had a positive impact on improving the financial position and financial results of the company during the last period, which requires more stability in the company's performance. During this period, the interest of the company and its shareholders was considered by the Board of Directors, and the company’s financial contracts and dealings with its customers were not affected, and due to the near end of the current board of directors term, the company will announce the opening of candidacy for the next new session on November 01, 2023 AD.
Financial Impact on the change None
Additional Information None

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Last Price 12.16
Net Change -0.08 (-0.65%)
Value Traded (Sar) 38,608,689.7
Volume Traded 3,205,336
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