ActionsAddendum announcement from Bupa Arabia for Cooperative Insurance Co. related to the interim financial results for the period ending on 31-12-2015 (Twelve Months)
Reference Bupa Arabia's 19 January 2016 a.m. interim financial results Tadawul announcement, for the period ending 31-12-2015 (twelve months), the company announces that the earnings per share (EPS) for the previous year, of SR3.78 per share, has been calculated based on the new number of shares in issue after the Capital increase, to 80,000,000 (eighty million) shares, as was approved during the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting of its shareholders, held Monday 25th of Safar 1437H (Monday 7th December 2015G), as announced on Tadawul Tuesday 26th of Safar 1437H (Tuesday 8th December 2015G). The prior year EPS re-statement is as reflected within the interim financial results and in accordance with the relevant International Accounting Standards.
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