

Arabian Pipes Co. Announces the appointment of the Chairman and Vice President of the Board of Directors and the formation of the Board Committees for its new session

1.95 %
1445/11/15     23/05/2024 08:53:04

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Announcement Detail With reference to the Ordinary General Assembly meeting held on Tuesday 16/11/1445 corresponding to 14/05/2024, in which the members of the Board of Directors of Arabian Pipes Company were elected for its the next term which will start from 22/05/2024 for three years and ends on 21/05/2027

Arabian Pipes Company announces the Board of Director's decision to appoint the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, formation of the committees, appoint the Secretary of the Board and appoints the Company’s representatives at the Capital Market Authority & Tadawul, as follows:

Firstly: Electing the Chairman, Vice Chairman, as follows:

1- Mr. Youssef Bin Saleh Abba al-Khayal. Chairman of the Board of Directors

2- Mr. Khalid bin Abdullah Abunayyan. Vice-Chairman.

3- Mr. Mustafa AbdulJabbar Alqahtani . Secretary of the Board of Directors.

Secondly: The Board approved the formation of the following committees (Attached)

Third: Representatives of the company have been appointed to the Capital Market Authority, the Saudi Stock Exchange Company (Tadawul), and the Securities Depository Center Company (Edaa) for all purposes related to applying of the Capital Market Law and its executive regulations.

Attached Documents  

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Last Price 13.6
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