ActionsDerayah Financial Announces Q2 2023G Cash Distribution for Unitholders of Derayah REIT
Element List | Explanation |
Introduction | Derayah Financial announces Q2 2023G cash distribution for unitholders of Derayah REIT as per the following: |
Dividends maturity period | The entitlement of cash distribution at the closing of trading on 16/07/2023G (“Entitlement Date”) shall be for the unitholders registered in the register of the Securities Depository Center Company (Edaa) by the end of the 2nd trading day following entitlement date. |
Total distributed dividends | 10,750,704 SAR |
Number of Outstanding Units on which Cash Distributions will be Distributed | 1,075,077,035 |
Amount of Dividends Distributed per Unit | 0.100 SAR |
Distribution Ratio of the Net Assets Value (%) | 1.22 % |
Distribution Ratio of the Net Assets Value as of | 2022-12-31 Corresponding to 1444-06-07 |
Cash Distribution Entitlements to Unitholders Shall be Based on the Unitholder Register on the End of | 2023-07-16 Corresponding to 1444-12-28 |
Distributions will be paid (number of days) | Cash distribution will be paid within 39 working days from the entitlement date, on 07/09/2023G |
Additional Information | The Fund Manager also would like to remind unitholders to update their bank account information in order to ensure depositing the outstanding distribution to their accounts directly. |
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