

East Pipes Integrated Company for Industry announces to invite its shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting which by Means of Modern Technology (Meeting No.3)

4.29 %
1445/02/13     29/08/2023 15:50:28

Element ListExplanation
Introduction East Pipes Integrated Company for Industry is pleased to invite the Company’s shareholders to participate and Voting in the Ordinary General Assembly (Meeting No.3) that scheduled to be held at (18:30) on Monday day 10/03/1445H corresponding to 25/09/2023G via modern technology.
City and Location of the General Assembly's Meeting Dammam - (Using Tadawulaty system only).
URL for the Meeting Location
Date of the General Assembly's Meeting 2023-09-25 Corresponding to 1445-03-10
Time of the General Assembly's Meeting 18:30
Attendance Eligibility Attendance Eligibility to the Shareholders Registered in the Issuer’s Shareholders Registry in the Depository Centre at the End of the Trading Session Preceding the General Assembly’s Meeting as per Laws and Regulations

The shareholder right in discussing the assembly agenda topics, asking questions.

Quorum for Convening the General Assembly's Meeting As per Article (32) of the Company’s Articles of Association, A meeting of the ordinary general assembly shall not be valid unless attended by the shareholders representing more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the capital. If such quorum is not achieved, a second meeting may be held one hour after the end of period specified of the first meeting.
General Assembly Meeting Agenda Attached
Proxy Form
The shareholder right in discussing the assembly agenda topics, asking questions, and exercising the voting right. (Mentioning the E-Voting details, if any) The shareholders, who registered in Tadawulaty, may vote on the items of the General Assembly agenda online starting from 1:00 AM on Thursday 06/03/1445H corresponding to 21/09/2023G until the end of the Assembly’s meeting time on Monday day 10/03/1445H corresponding to 25/09/2023G.

Therefore, the Company invites all its shareholders to participate and vote online through Tadawulaty website taking into consideration that registration and voting are available in Tadawulaty services free of charge for all shareholders.

The shareholder right in discussing the assembly agenda topics, asking questions.

Eligibility for Attendance Registration and Voting Eligibility for Registering the Attendance of the General Assembly's Meeting Ends upon the Convenience of the General Assembly's Meeting. Eligibility for Voting on the Business of the Meeting Agenda Ends upon the Counting Committee Concludes Counting the Votes
Method of Communication We would like to inform all shareholders that there will be a live audio broadcast of the meeting through the link available in Tadawulaty system, to communicate and discuss any questions related to the items of the meeting.

For more information, please communicate with IR at the Company through email:, or you can contact during official working hours at Phone No. 013-8616704

Additional Information Shareholders’ questions and inquiries will be received by communicating the Investor Relations via e-mail:

With the necessity of mentioning the full name and ID number, so that we can match the data and respond to the inquiries submitted.

Beat Regards,

Attached Documents  

The Capital Market Authority and Saudi Exchange take no responsibility for the contents of this disclosure, make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness, and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from, or incurred in reliance upon, any part of this disclosure, and the issuer accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in it and confirms, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, there are no other facts or information the omission of which would make the disclosure misleading, incomplete or inaccurate.

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Key Parameters
Last Price 145.8
Net Change 6.0 (+4.29%)
Value Traded (Sar) 32,447,904.8
Volume Traded 226,325
See The Company Profile



