

Amana Cooperative Insurance Co. Announces Appointment of a CEO

0.18 %
1445/05/16     30/11/2023 16:05:11

Element ListExplanation
Introduction Amana Cooperative Insurance Company announces the appointment of Mr. Rashid Abi Nader to the position of Managing Director of the company for a period of six months from 06/12/2024 AD until 06/06/2023
Element ListExplanation
Appointment Type Appointment
Name of the CEO Rachid Salim Abi Nader
Date of Board Resolution 2023-11-30 Corresponding to 1445-05-16
Date Work Commencement 2023-12-06 Corresponding to 1445-05-22
Brief Resume He holds a diploma from the National Insurance Institute ENAss Paris - the foreign section (Masters degree) in the field of insurance sciences. He also obtained two master's degree in business administration (MBA) in the field of business administration from ESCP Paris and ESA Business School in Beirut. He also obtained a postgraduate diploma in the field of digital business from Columbia Business School and MIT USA. He also has experience in several fields: strategic development Business plans and their implementation Development of insurance programs Marketing Bancassurance Risk Management Transforming companies, services and digital businesses

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Last Price 10.96
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