

Americana Restaurants International PLC Board invites its shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting the (First Meeting) Ordinary General Assembly Meeting.

-1.26 %
1445/09/24     03/04/2024 08:23:19

Element ListExplanation
Introduction Americana Restaurants International PLC Board invites its shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting the (First Meeting) Ordinary General Assembly Meeting at 04:00 pm (UAE Local time) at 03:00 pm (KSA Local time).
City and Location of the General Assembly's Meeting Address Sky View Hotel, in the Emirate of Dubai, UAE
Hyperlink of the Meeting Location Click Here
Date of the General Assembly's Meeting 2024-04-24 Corresponding to 1445-10-15
Time of the General Assembly’s Meeting 15:00
Methodology of Convening the General Assembly’s Meeting Attendance in-person and via modern technology means
Attendance Eligibility, Registration Eligibility, and Voting End Shareholders who are registered in the issuers shareholders record at the Depositary Center by the end of the trade session prior to the general assembly meeting and in accordance with the laws and regulations. The shareholder has the right to delegate whomever other than the board of directors. The right to register a name to attend the general assembly meeting ends at the time of convening the general assembly meeting. The attendees right to vote on the items of the assembly’s agenda ends upon the end of screening the votes by the Screening Committee.
Quorum for Convening the General Assembly's Meeting The Annual General Assembly meeting shall not be valid unless shareholders representing at least (50%) of the Company’s share capital are registered electronically, and if the quorum is not met in the first meeting, a second meeting shall take place on 30 April 2024 at 4:00 pm (UAE time). 3:00 pm (KSA time).
General Assembly Meeting Agenda  To discuss and approve the integrated report of the Board of Directors on the activities and financial position on the Company for the fiscal year ending on 31st December 2023.

 To receive and approve the auditors’ report for the fiscal year ending on 31st December 2023.

 To discuss and approve the Company’s balance sheet and the profit and loss account for the fiscal year ending on 31st December 2023.

 To discuss the proposal of the Board of Directors regarding distribution of dividends to the shareholders for the fiscal year ending on 31st December 2023, amounting to USD 179,423,385 representing (106.50)% of the share capital being USD (0.0213) per share, divided into:

1) Ordinary dividends amounting to USD 129,723,950; and

2) One-time special dividends amounting to USD 49,699,435.

 To consider and approve the Board of Directors’ remuneration including salaries, bonus, expenses, and fees of the members of the Board of Directors as set out in the Remuneration of the Board of Directors’ section of the Corporate Governance report.

 Approval of an updated version of the Remuneration policy.

 Approve the purchase by the Company of 25 million of its own shares to allocate for a long-term incentive plan for its employees, subject to procuring any regulatory approvals as may be required for the implementation of this resolution. Approve delegating the Board of Directors and any person so authorized by the Board jointly or individually to complete the purchase transactions and to implement the long-term employees’ incentive plan and determine its conditions.

 To discharge the members of the Board of Directors from liability for the fiscal year ending on 31st December 2023.

 To discharge the auditors from liability for the fiscal year ending on 31st December 2023.

 To appoint the statutory auditors for the second, third, and fourth quarters of the fiscal year ending on 31st December 2024, and the first quarter of 2025 and determining their remuneration.

 To consider any related party transaction.

 Authorize the Board of Directors and/or any person so authorized by the Board, jointly and individually, to negotiate, execute any agreement, document, or application, adopt and take, on the Company's behalf and in its name, any resolution or action as may be necessary or desirable to implement any of the resolutions adopted at this Annual General Assembly, and to submit any application, notice or return to the relevant stock exchanges and the competent regulatory bodies as may be required.

Proxy Form
The shareholder right in discussing the assembly agenda topics, asking questions, and exercising the voting right As per the Market Practice described under the applicable Laws.
Details of the electronic voting on the Assembly’s agenda
Method of Communication in Case of Any Enquiries
Attached Documents  

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Key Parameters
Last Price 3.14
Net Change -0.04 (-1.26%)
Value Traded (Sar) 16,474,717.18
Volume Traded 5,223,854
See The Company Profile





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