ActionsThe United Cooperative Assurance Company announces the latest developments regarding the Board’s recommendation to increase the company's capital by Offering Rights Issue.
Element List | Explanation |
Introduction | Whereas the United Cooperative Assurance Company had previously announced on 27 Jumad Alawal 1445H corresponding to 11 December 2023, the Board of Directors recommendation to increase the company’s capital by Offering Rights Issue amounting SAR 300 million, so that the company’s new capital would be SAR 700 million, the Board had decided at this current stage to cancel its recommendation and to consider adjusting the capital at a later stage. Accordingly, the United Cooperative Assurance Company announces the issuance of the Board’s decision dated 05 Rabi I 1446H corresponding to 08 September 2024 to cancel its previous recommendation to increase the capital, which was aimed to restructuring the company’s capital and writing-off the accumulated losses, as the Board will consider at a later stage aligning the company’s capital to achieve its aspirations. |
Previous Announcement | The Board’s recommendation to increase the company's capital by Offering Rights Issue. |
Date of Previous Announcement on Saudi Exchange’s Website | 2023-12-11 Corresponding to 1445-05-27 |
Hyperlink to the Previous Announcement on the Saudi Exchange Website | Click Here |
Latest Developments Of The Announced Event | The Board of Directors decision to cancel the previous recommendation to the Extraordinary General Assembly to increase the company’s capital. |
The costs associated with the event, and if they have changed or not with indication of the reasons. | None. |
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