Notes forming part of accounts [line items] | | |
Disclosure of notes and other explanatory information [text block] | | |
Disclosure of general information about reporting entity [abstract] | | |
Disclosure of general information about reporting entity [text block] |
Saudi Tadawul Group Holding Company (formerly “Saudi Stock Exchange Company”) (the Company) is a Saudi joint stock company registered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under Commercial Registration number 1010241733 dated 2/12/1428 H (corresponding to 12 December 2007). The Company was established by the Royal Decree no. M/15 dated 01/03/1428 H (corresponding to 20 March 2007) and the Ministry of Commerce resolution no. 320/k dated 1/12/1428 H (corresponding to 11 December 2007).
The Company was wholly owned by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (the “Government”) as ultimate controlling party through the Public Investment Fund (“PIF”). As at 31 March 2022, the authorized, issued and fully paid-up share capital of the Company is SAR 1,200 million (31 December 2021: SAR 1,200 million) divided into 120 million shares (31 December 2021: 120 million shares) of SAR 10 each.
On 1 June 2021, the Company announced its restructuring which resulted in transforming the Saudi Stock Exchange Company (Tadawul) into a holding company under the name of Saudi Tadawul Group Holding Company, a parent company of four wholly owned subsidiaries; Saudi Exchange Company (Exchange), Securities Clearing Center Company (Muqassa), the Securities Depository Center Company (Edaa), and Tadawul Advance Solution Company (Wamid). The details of these subsidiaries are given in note 1.1. From 1 June 2021, the operations of the Company, that included listing, trading and dissemination of securities information, were transferred to Exchange.
These condensed consolidated interim financial statements comprise the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “the Group”).
The Company’s main activities, after becoming a holding company, are managing and supporting subsidiaries or participating in the management of other companies in which it owns shares, investing its funds in shares and other securities, owning real estate and other properties in connection with its businesses, granting loans, guarantees and financing to its subsidiaries, and owning and leasing industrial property rights to its subsidiaries or other companies.
The Group’s main activities through dedicated subsidiaries (given in note 1.1) is to provide a listing service, create and manage the mechanisms of trading of securities, providing depository and registration services for securities ownership, clearing of securities trades, dissemination of securities information and engage in any related other activity to achieve the objectives as defined in the Capital Market Law.
On 8 December, 2021, the Company completed its Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) and its ordinary shares were listed on the Saudi Stock Exchange. In connection with the IPO, the Government through PIF sold 30% of their stake representing 36 million ordinary shares. Accordingly, PIF now holds 70% (2020: 100%) of the share capital.
The Company’s registered address is as follows:
6897 King Fahd Road - Al Olaya Unit Number: 15 Riyadh 12211-3388 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
1.1 Details of the Company’s subsidiaries
Name of Subsidiary | Country of Incorporation & Legal Status |
Commercial Registration dated | Business Activity | Ownership, Direct and Effective | Paid up Share capital - SAR | March 2022 | December 2021 |
Securities Depository Center Company “Edaa”
| Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Closed Saudi Joint Stock Company |
11/27/1437 H (corresponding to 30 August 2016 G) | Depository and registration of securities | 100% | 100% | 400,000,000 |
Securities Clearing Center Company “Muqassa”
| Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Closed Saudi Joint Stock Company |
02/06/1439 H (corresponding to 18 February 2018 G) | Clearing services of securities | 100% | 100% | 600,000,000 |
Tadawul Advance Solution Company “Wamid”
| Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Closed Saudi Joint Stock Company |
11/02/1442 H (corresponding to 28 September 2020 G) | Financial technology solutions, innovative capital market solutions for stakeholders | 100% | 100% | 75,000,000 | Saudi Exchange Company “Exchange” |
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Closed Saudi Joint Stock Company
17/08/1442 H (corresponding to 31 March 2021G) | Listing and trading of securities, market information dissemination | 100% | 100% | 600,000,000 |
| |
Disclosure of basis of preparation of financial statements [abstract] | | |
Disclosure of basis of preparation of financial statements [text block] |
2.1 Statement of compliance
These interim condensed consolidated financial statements as at and for the three month period ended 31 March 2022 have been prepared in compliance with International Accounting Standard (“IAS”) 34 “Interim Financial Reporting” as endorsed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, other standards and pronouncements issued by the Saudi Organization for Chartered and Professional Accountants (“SOCPA”) and in compliance with the provisions of the Regulations for Companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the by-laws of the Company. The accounting policies in these condensed consolidated interim financial statements are consistent with those in the Group’s annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021.
These condensed interim financial statements do not include all information and disclosures required for a complete set of financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Company’s last annual financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2021.
2.2 Basis of measurement
These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis, except for financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss and employees’ end-of-service benefits which is using the projected unit credit method and discounted to their present value.
2.3 Functional and presentation currency These condensed consolidated interim financial statements are presented in Saudi Arabian Riyals (“SAR”), which is the functional and presentational currency of the Group. All amounts have been rounded to the nearest SAR.
2.4 Critical accounting estimates and judgments In preparing these condensed consolidated interim financial statements, management has made judgements and estimates that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from these estimates.
The significant judgements made by management in applying the Group’s accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those described in the last annual financial statements.
These condensed consolidated interim financial statements comprise the financial statements of Tadawul and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “the Group”). Control is achieved when the Group is exposed to or has rights to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investee.
In assessing control, the Group considers both substantive rights that it holds and substantive rights held by others. The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the condensed consolidated interim financial statements from the date that control commences until the date control ceases and it derecognises the assets & liabilities of the subsidiary and any related NCI & other components of equity. Any resulting gain or loss is recognised in profit or loss. Any interest retained in the former subsidiary is measured at fair value when control is lost.
Intra-group balances & transactions and any unrealised profit & expenses (except for foreign currency transaction gains or losses) arising from intra-group transactions, are eliminated. | |
Disclosure of accounting framework used in preparation of financial statements [text block] |
Standards issued but not yet effective
A number of new standards and amendments to standards are effective for annual periods beginning after 1 January 2022 and earlier application is permitted. The Group has not early adopted any of the forthcoming new or amended standards in preparing these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.
New standards or amendments for 2022 and forthcoming requirements
A number of standards, amendments and interpretations have been issued. The new requirements that have been issued by the International Accounting Standards Board as at 20 March 2022, and contains two tables, as follows:
– New currently effective requirements: This table lists the recent changes to the Standards that are required to be applied by an entity with an annual reporting period beginning on 1 January 2022. – Forthcoming requirements: This table lists the recent changes to the Standards that are required to be applied for an annual period beginning after 1 January 2022 and that are available for early adoption in annual periods beginning on 1 January 2022. These requirements are not included in this guide.
New currently effective requirements:
Effective date | New standards or amendments | 1 January 2022 | Onerous Contracts – Cost of Fulfilling a Contract (Amendments to IAS 37) | Annual Improvements to IFRS Standards 2018-2020 | Property, Plant and Equipment: Proceeds before Intended Use (Amendments to IAS 16) | Reference to the Conceptual Framework (Amendments to IFRS 3) |
Forthcoming requirements:
Effective date | New standards or amendments | 1 January 2023 | Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current – Amendments to IAS 1 | IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts | Disclosure of Accounting Policies – Amendments to IAS 1 and IFRS Practice Statement 2 | Definition of Accounting Estimate – Amendments to IAS 8 | Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising from a Single Transaction – Amendments to IAS 12 | Available for optional adoption/effective date deferred indefinitely | Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture (Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28) |
| |
Disclosure of basis of consolidation of financial statements [text block] |
Unrealised gains arising from transactions with equity-accounted investees are eliminated against the investment to the extent of the Group’s interest in the investee. Unrealised losses are eliminated in the same way as unrealised gains, but only to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment. | |
Disclosure of summary of significant accounting policies [abstract] | | |
Description of accounting policy for associates and joint ventures [text block] |
This represents the Group’s share of investment in Tadawul Real Estate Company (“the Associate”), a company incorporated in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where the Company has influence through voting rights. As at 31 March 2022, the Group owns 33.12% (31 December 2021: 33.12%) of the share capital of the Associate. The main activity of the Associate is to develop a commercial office tower in King Abdullah Financial District, Riyadh, where the Group expects to be headquartered.
The Group has recognized its share of loss for the three-month period ended 31 March 2022, based on the quarterly management accounts of the Associate. The financial restructuring of the Associate was completed during 2020. The restructuring involved the conversion of the investment in the Associate in the form of sukuks amounting to SAR 130 million to an equity investment. Furthermore, the Company made an additional equity investment amounting to SAR 210 million. These transactions were approved by the Group's Board of Directors on 19 April 2020. This restructuring has not resulted in the Group gaining control over the Associate.
The movement of investment in the Associate is as follows:
| For the period ended 31 March 2022 |
| For the year ended 31 December 2021 |
| Balance at beginning of the period / year | 375,616,085 |
| 378,895,293 | Share of loss for the period / year
| (1,595,097) |
| (3,279,208) | Balance at end of the period / year | 374,020,988 |
| 375,616,085 |
The following table summarizes the financial information of the Associate as included in the management accounts as at 31 March 2022 and audited financial statements as at 31 December 2021:
| 31 March 2022 |
| 31 December 2021 | Summarized statement of financial position |
| Total current assets | 51,936,902 |
| 86,103,297 | Total non-current assets | 2,263,656,578 |
| 2,233,751,094 | Total current liabilities | 84,323,005 |
| 1,073,045,160 | Total non-current liabilities | 1,038,873,259 |
| 49,595,898 | Net assets (100%) | 1,192,397,216 |
| 1,197,213,333 |
| 31 March 2022 |
| 31 December 2021 | Summarized statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income |
| Total revenue | -- |
| -- | Net loss | 4,816,117 |
| 9,900,948 | Total comprehensive loss for the period / year | 4,816,117 |
| 9,900,948 |
| |
Description of accounting policy for revenue recognition [text block] |
| For the three-month period ended 31 March |
| 2022 | 2021 | Revenue recognized over-time |
Post trade services Listing services Data & technology services Membership Derivatives |
22,644,782 19,657,850 22,515,659 721,594 73,687 | 21,292,172 17,029,338 19,658,997 724,464 76,425 |
| 65,613,572 | 58,781,396 | Services transferred at point-in-time |
| Post trade services Trading services Data & technology services Listing services Derivatives Membership | 125,007,490 99,020,660 2,094,158 1,970,000 211,112 32,000 | 141,642,886 127,211,727 4,194,043 170,000 203,884 166,000 |
| 228,335,420 | 273,588,540 | Revenue from contracts with customers | 293,948,992 | 332,369,936 |
20.1 In accordance with the Council of CMA resolution no. (17/270/6) dated 18 January 2017,the operating revenues arrangement between the Group and CMA effective from 1 January 2017 is as follows:
As mentioned in note 16, The CMA is entitled to receive a financial return equal to 64% of the total trading commission. The Group shall collect this return on behalf of the CMA and deposit into the CMA’s account based on its instructions; However: the CMA share of revenue is not recognized. The Group is entitled to keep 100% of operating revenue (except trading commission, which is subject to the above-mentioned financial return sharing arrangement).
20.2In the current year, the Group has updated the disaggregation of revenue as disclosed in the condensed consolidated interim financial statements. In order to provide comparability to the amounts disclosed in the prior year condensed consolidated interim financial statements, a reconciliation is provided below:
As disclosed in the interim financial statements for the period ended 31 March 2021 | Amount | As disclosed in the comparatives of financial statements for the period ended 31 March 2022 | Amount |
| Trading commission | 127,211,727 | Trading services | 127,211,727 |
| Post trade services | 162,935,058 | Post trade services | 162,935,058 | |
| Market information services | 23,853,040 | Data & technology services | 23,853,040 |
| Listing services | 18,089,802
| Listing services | 17,199,338 | Membership | 890,464 |
| Derivatives | 280,309 | Derivatives | 280,309 |
| 332,369,936 |
| 332,369,936 |
| |
Disclosure of other notes forming part of accounts [abstract] | | |
Disclosure of bank balances and cash [text block] |
This represents cash collateral received from clearing participants in the form of initial margin, variation margin and default funds for the equity and derivatives markets. It also includes SAR 16.5 million deposited by the Group as per CMA guidelines. Commission is earned on such deposits. Part of the commission is booked by the Group and the clearing members’ share of the commission is added to their collateral accounts. These are not available for use by the Group.
| Note | 31 March 2022
| 31 December 2021
| Deposits with SAMA - relating to Derivatives |
| 21,343,086 |
| 28,013,567 | Deposits with SAMA - relating to Equities | 9.1 | 1,831,728,607 |
| -- |
| 1,853,071,693 |
| 28,013,567 |
9.1 In preparation of equity clearing operations launch on April 3, 2022, clearing participants have deposited cash collateral in the form of initial margin and default funds.
| 31 March 2022
| 31 December 2021
| Cash at banks – current accounts |
| 101,406,524 |
| 76,197,458 |
| 101,406,524 |
| 76,197,458 |
| |
Disclosure of trade account receivables [text block] |
| Notes | 31 March 2022 |
| 31 December 2021 | Accounts receivable: |
| - Related parties | 26.2 | 21,873,419 |
| 11,652,168 | - Others |
| 129,539,239 |
| 74,691,162 | Less: allowance for credit losses | 7.1 | (27,989,047) |
| (25,795,719) |
| 123,423,611 |
| 60,547,611 |
7.1 The movement in the allowance for credit losses is summarized as follows:
| 31 March 2022 |
| 31 December 2021 |
| Balance at the beginning of the period /year | 25,795,719 |
| 26,613,594 | Charge / (reversal) for the period /year | 2,193,328 |
| (817,875) | Balance at the end of the period /year | 27,989,047 |
| 25,795,719 |
| |
Disclosure of prepayments [text block] |
| Note | 31 March 2022
| 31 December 2021
| Advance against purchase of property | 8.1 | 77,500,000 |
| 77,500,000 | Prepaid insurance expenses |
| 4,357,795 |
| 7,920,038 | Accrued operational revenue |
| 9,270,517 |
| 9,064,755 | Advance to employees |
| 4,198,605 |
| 5,404,641 | Prepaid maintenance expenses |
| 6,108,140 |
| 2,744,593 | Other receivables |
| 5,614,876 |
| 5,425,592 |
| 107,049,933 |
| 108,059,619 |
8.1 This represents an advance paid to purchase a property for establishing the data center in King Abdullah Financial District. | |
Disclosure of bank overdraft [text block] |
| Notes | 31 March 2022 |
| 31 December 2021 | Collateral from clearing members received for their |
| - own account | 13.1 | 1,002,294 |
| 1,002,106 | - clients | 13.2 | 15,921,411 |
| 12,999,401 | - initial margin for position | 13.3 | 538,200 |
| 385,200 | - Muqassa account | 13.4 | 1,815,314,920 |
| -- |
| 1,832,776,825 |
| 14,386,707 |
13.1 This represents cash collateral received from clearing members on their own account. 13.2This represents cash collateral received from clearing members on account of their customers. 13.3This represents cash collateral from clearing members with position. 13.4This represents cash collateral from clearing members on Muqassa account. In preparation of equity clearing operations launch on April 3, 2022, clearing participants have deposited cash collateral in the form of initial margin and default funds. Also refer to note 9.1 for details.
This represents a prefunded default arrangement that is composed of assets contributed by clearing members that may be used by the Group in certain circumstances to cover the losses or liquidity pressure resulting from participant defaults. | |
Disclosures of investment properties, including investment properties under construction [text block] |
Investment securities portfolios are summarized as follows:
Notes | 31 March 2022
| 31 December 2021
| Non-current |
| Investments at amortized cost | 6.1 | 55,332,785 |
| 55,272,377 |
| 55,332,785 |
| 55,272,377 | Current |
| Investments at amortized cost | 6.1 | -- |
| 101,292,699 | Investments at FVTPL | 6.2 | 2,779,695,714 |
| 2,530,440,109 |
| 2,779,695,714 |
| 2,631,732,808 |
6.1Investments at amortized cost This represents investment in Sukuks issued by counterparties operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia having sound credit ratings. The Sukuk carry an average commission rate of 2.5% per annum during the three month period ended 31 March 2022 (2021: 2.4% - 2.5%).
The details of these investments are as follow:
| 31 March 2022 |
| 31 December 2021 |
| Investment in Sukuk – Albilad | 55,346,602 |
| 55,286,298 | Investment in Sukuk – GACA | - |
| 101,325,640 | Impairment loss on investments at amortized cost (6.1.1) | (13,817) |
| (46,862) |
| 55,332,785 |
| 156,565,076 |
| 31 March 2022 |
| 31 December 2021 |
| Investment at amortized cost – non current | 55,332,785 |
| 55,272,377 | Investment at amortized cost – current | -- |
| 101,292,699 |
| 55,332,785 |
| 156,565,076 |
6.1.1 The movement of the expected credit losses on investments held at amortized cost is summarized as follows:
| 31 March 2022 |
| 31 December 2021 |
| Balance at the beginning of the period /year | 46,862 |
| 43,865 | (Credit) / charge for the period /year | (33,045) |
| 2,997 | Balance at the end of the period /year | 13,817 |
| 46,862 |
Below is the break-up of investment at amortized cost:
Description | Maturity date | Face value | Classification | General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) | 18 January 2022 | 100,000,000 | Current asset | Bank Albilad SAR Denominated Tier 2 | 15 April 2031 | 55,000,000 | Non-current asset |
6.2 Investments at fair value through profit or loss (“FVTPL”) This represents investments in units of mutual funds, which are governed by the regulation issued by the CMA. These assets are held by the Group for trading due to which it has been classified as current assets. The cost and fair value of investments held at FVTPL are as follows:
| 31 March 2022 |
| 31 December 2021 |
| Cost | Fair value |
| Cost | Fair value | Money market funds | 2,716,389,164 | 2,758,980,272 |
| 2,464,606,786 | 2,499,724,667 | Real estate funds | 30,000,000 | 20,715,442 |
| 40,000,000 | 30,715,442 | Total | 2,746,389,164 | 2,779,695,714 |
| 2,504,606,786 | 2,530,440,109 |
| |
Disclosure of trade account payable [text block] |
| Note | 31 March 2022 |
| 31 December 2021 | Trade payables: |
| |
| 9,740,781 |
| 6,701,240 | | 26.4 | 85,476 |
| 84,470 |
| 9,826,257 |
| 6,785,710 |
| |
Disclosure of accrued expenses [text block] |
| Note | 31 March 2022
| 31 December 2021
| Accrued employee expenses |
| 60,151,678 |
| 100,154,729 | Accrued social insurance – General Organization for Social Insurance |
| 2,164,356 |
1,979,001 | Value added tax (VAT), net |
| 12,859,759 |
| 6,637,535 | Board of Directors remuneration payable | 26.4 | 6,597,834 |
| 8,376,167 | Accrued supplier expenses: |
| | 26.4 | 11,600,014 |
| 10,296,790 | |
| 94,780,684 |
| 104,646,140 | Others |
| 4,095,091 |
| 3,994,712 |
| 192,249,416 |
| 236,085,074 |
| |
Disclosure of zakat [text block] |
Effective 1 January 2021, the Group is subject to Zakat in accordance with the Zakat regulation issued by ZATCA based on Royal Decree 35657 issued on 29/6/1442H.
Movement of Zakat is as follows:
| 31 March 2022
| 31 December 2021
| Balance at the beginning of the period/year | 66,663,698 |
| 83,561,274 | Provision for Zakat for the period/year |
| | 21,222,308 |
| 66,663,698 | | -- |
| (440,338) |
| 21,222,308 |
| 66,223,360 | Zakat paid during the period/year | -- |
| (83,120,936) | Balance at the end of the period/year | 87,886,006 |
| 66,663,698 |
19.1The Group has already filed its consolidated Zakat return for the year ended 31 December 2021 with ZATCA, however the 2020 Zakat assessment is pending finalization. | |
Disclosure of deferred revenue [text block] |
| 31 March 2022
| 31 December 2021
| Balance at the beginning of the period/year | 3,214,902 |
| 3,223,464 | Invoiced during the period/year | 146,107,022 |
| 169,346,097 | Recognised as revenue during the period/year | (43,673,408) |
| (169,354,659) | Balance at the end of the period/year | 105,648,516 |
| 3,214,902 |
| |
Disclosure of other current liabilities [text block] |
The CMA is entitled to receive a financial return equal to 64% of the total trading commission. The Group collects this return on behalf of the CMA and deposits into the CMA’s account based on its instructions. | |
Disclosure of employees' terminal benefits [text block] |
The movement in employees’ end-of-service benefits is as follows:
| For the three-month period ended 31 March 2022 |
| For the year ended 31 December 2021 |
| Balance at beginning of the period/year | 96,876,185 |
| 91 024,046 | Current service cost | 2,422,933 |
| 9,691,734 | Interest cost | 434,743 |
| 1,738,972 | Amount recognised in profit or loss | 2,857,676 |
| 11,430,706 | Re-measurement loss recognized in other comprehensive income | -- |
| 9,885,004 | Benefits paid during the period/year | (595,797) |
| (15,463,571) | Balance at the end of the period / year | 99,138,064 |
| 96,876,185 |
12.1 Net end-of-service benefits liability is as follows:
| 31 March 2022 |
| 31 December 2021 |
| Present value of benefits liability | 99,138,064 |
| 96,876,185 | Fair value of plan assets | -- |
| -- | Net defined benefits liability | 99,138,064 |
| 96,876,185 |
| |
Disclosure of statutory reserves [text block] |
In accordance with the Company’s by-law and Saudi Arabian Regulations for Companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Company is required to set aside 10% of its net profit each year as statutory reserve. The shareholder in the extraordinary general assembly held on 17th August 2021 has decided to discontinue setting aside such percentage when said reserve reaches 30% of paid-in capital. Since the Company has reached the required reserve level, therefore, no additional transfers were required to be made as at year end. The Company transferred the net surplus above the 30% requirement from the statutory reserve to the retained earnings at year-end. The statutory reserve in the condensed consolidated interim financial statements is the statutory reserve of the Company. This reserve is currently not available for distribution to the shareholders of the Company. | |
Disclosure of cost of sales [text block] |
Operating costs include direct expenses incurred by the Group to provide services to its customers and the Saudi financial market. A breakdown of operating costs is as follows:
| For the three-month period ended 31 March |
| Notes | 2022
| 2021
| Salaries and related benefits |
| 32,485,675 | 32,304,701 | CMA fees | 21.1 | 32,500,000 | 32,500,000 | Maintenance, network and access |
| 8,295,843 | 12,618,298 | Depreciation and amortization |
| 8,599,285 | 10,276,138 | Marketing and sponsorship |
| 2,571,244 | 2,902,301 | Security expenses |
| 388,015 | 309,722 | Hospitality and cleaning |
| 460,699 | 416,889 | Consultancy |
| 1,070,013 | 45,060 | Utilities |
| 286,689 | 166,968 | SARIE system usage fees |
| 267,000 | 164,000 | License fees |
| 279,285 | 133,681 | Communication |
| 146,898 | 121,784 | Training |
| 183,193 | 2,794 | Business trips |
| 1,282 | -- | Shareholder relations |
| 32,192 | -- | Others |
| 134,007 | 303,469 |
| 87,701,320 | 92,265,805 |
21.1 This represents fees payable to the CMA in relation to services provided to the Group in accordance with the council of CMA resolution no. (17/268/6) dated 18 January 2017 and the CMA Board decision no. (3-2-2020) dated 7 January 2020. | |
Disclosure of general and administrative expenses [text block] |
| For the three-month period ended 31 March |
| 2022
| 2021
| Salaries and related benefits | 33,460,943 | 29,960,403 | Consultancy | 1,336,627 | 2,536,795 | Depreciation and amortization | 4,029,220 | 4,077,920 | Maintenance, network and access | 2,616,929 | 3,002,333 | Board of Directors' remuneration | 2,374,000 | 1,883,500 | License fees | 440,981 | 446,158 | Marketing and sponsorship | 2,883,848 | 304,885 | Training | 476,327 | 41,998 | Hospitality and cleaning | 530,268 | 413,819 | Security expenses | 532,985 | 304,278 | Stationery and office supplies | 225,960 | 9,805 | Insurance | 445,822 | 298,870 | Utilities | 264,642 | 164,033 | Communications | 79,299 | 110,416 | Business trips | -- | 5,000 | Others | 607,590 | 948,280 |
| 50,305,441 | 44,508,493 |
| |
Disclosure of other income, net [text block] |
| For the three-month period ended 31 March |
| 2022
| 2021
| - On financial assets at amortised cost: |
| Special commission income |
| 355,244 | 631,944 | Commission from deposits with SAMA |
| 37,600 | 3,312 | - On financial assets at fair value through profit or loss: |
| Dividend income |
| 1,003,871 | 1,976,290 | Realised gain on sale of investments, net |
| 152,782 | 555,550 | Unrealised gain on investments, net |
| 8,368,971 | 8,228,384 |
| 9,918,468 | 11,395,480 |
| |
Disclosure of earnings per share [text block] |
Basic and diluted earnings per share is computed by dividing profit attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the Company by the weighted average outstanding number of shares for the period ended 31 March 2022, totaling 120 million shares (31 March 2021: 120 million shares).
| 31 March 2022
| 31 March 2021
| Net profit for the period | 140,635,134 |
| 179,635,330 | Weighted average outstanding number of shares | 120,000,000 |
| 120,000,000 | Earnings per share | 1.17 |
| 1.50 |
| |
Disclosure of related party transactions [text block] |
In the ordinary course of its activities, the Group transacts with its related parties. Related parties include PIF (“the shareholder”), Tadawul Real Estate Company (“the Associate”), the Group’s Board of Directors and key executives. The related parties also include affiliated entities which: a) Are owned by the shareholders; b) Have common directors on the Company’s BOD; and c) Have common directors on the shareholder’s BOD.
26.1 The Group has disclosed the transactions with related parties by each Group company. The revenue services provided by each Group company are explained below.
Transactions with Tadawul Holding Services represents the trading services, listing fees and technology & information services which were provided by the parent prior to the Group restructuring. However, from 1 June 2021 these services are being provided by Saudi Exchange Company and are reported under Saudi Exchange Services. Transaction with Securities Depository Services represents the post trade services, and Securities Clearing Services represents the clearing services of derivatives.
The transactions with related parties during the three-month period ended 31 March 2022 in relation to the Group’s core activities carried out through the companies of the Group are as follows:
| Nature of transactions by Group companies |
Nature of relationship | Tadawul Holding Services | Securities Depository Services | Securities Clearing Services | Saudi Exchange Services | Tadawul Advance Solution Services | Three month period ended 31 March 2022 | Affiliated entities: |
| - owned by the shareholder | (69,496) | 21,619,001 | - | 169,409,376 | 931,500 | 191,890,381 | - with common directors on the Company’s BOD | - | - | - | 28,131,575 | - | 28,131,575 | - with common directors on the shareholder’s BOD | - | 1,438,548 | 34,500 | - | - | 1,473,048 | Total | (69,496) | 23,057,549 | 34,500 | 197,540,951 | 931,500 | 221,495,004 |
The account receivables balance arising from the above transactions is as follows:
| For the period ended 31 March 2022 |
Nature of relationship | Opening balance |
| Invoiced |
| Collections |
| Ending balance | Loss allowance |
| Affiliated entities: |
| - owned by the shareholder | 10,312,176 |
| 191,890,381 |
| (182,058,973) |
| 20,143,584 | 67,667 | - with common directors on the Company’s BOD | 1,046,038 |
| 28,131,575 |
| (27,988,027) |
| 1,189,586 | 581 | - with common directors on the shareholder’s BOD | 293,954 |
| 1,473,048 |
| (1,226,753) |
| 540,249 | 333 | Total | 11,652,168 |
| 221,495,004 |
| (211,273,753) |
| 21,873,419 | 68,581 |
26.2 The transactions with related parties during 2021 in relation to the Group’s core activities carried out through the companies of the Group are as follows:
| Nature of transactions by Group companies |
Nature of relationship | Tadawul Holding Services | Securities Depository Services | Securities Clearing Services | Saudi Exchange Services | Year ended 31 December 2021 | Affiliated entities: |
| - owned by the shareholder | 209,462,863 | 47,112,988 | 690 | 341,708,497 | 598,285,038 | - with common directors on the Company’s BOD | 124,780,302 | - | - | 51,555,897 | 176,336,199 | - with common directors on the shareholder’s BOD | 69,311,383 | 3,459,240 | 38,100 | -- | 72,808,723 | Total | 403,554,548 | 50,572,228 | 38,790 | 393,264,394 | 847,429,960 |
The receivables balance arising from the above transactions are as follows:
| For the year ended 31 December 2021 |
Nature of relationship | Opening balance |
| Invoiced |
| Collections |
| Ending balance | Loss allowance |
| Affiliated entities: |
| - owned by the shareholder | 2,823,849 |
| 598,285,037 |
| (590,796,710) |
| 10,312,176 | 1,440 | - with common directors on the Company’s BOD | - |
| 176,336,199 |
| (175,290,161) |
| 1,046,038 | 4 | - with common directors on the shareholder’s BOD | 4,393,976 |
| 72,808,723 |
| (76,908,745) |
| 293,954 | 156,240 | Total | 7,217,825 |
| 847,429,959 |
| (842,995,616) |
| 11,652,168 | 157,684 |
26.3 Other balances with related parties included in investments at “FVTPL” are as follows:
| For the period ended 31 March 2022 |
Nature of relationship |
| Opening balance |
| Purchases/ (Disposals) |
| Unrealized gain |
| Ending balance |
| Affiliated entities with common directors on the Company’s BOD |
| 345,367,216 |
| - |
| 1,271,362 |
| 346,638,578 |
| For the year ended 31 December 2021 |
Nature of relationship |
| Opening balance |
| Purchases/ (Disposals) |
| Unrealized gain |
| Ending balance | |
| | Affiliated entities with common directors on the Company’s BOD |
| 1,142,833,446 |
| (803,923,117) |
| 6,456,887 |
| 345,367,216 |
26.4Other balances with related parties arising out of services received and included within accounts payables and accrued expenses are as follows:
| For the period ended 31 March 2022 |
Nature of relationship |
| Opening balance | Services received | Payments made | Ending balance | Affiliated entities: |
| - owned by the shareholder |
| 10,381,260 | 1,760,024 | (455,794) | 11,685,490 | - with common directors on the Company’s BOD |
| 8,376,167 | 2,374,000 | (4,152,333) | 6,597,834 | Total |
| 18,757,427 | 4,134,024 | (4,608,127) | 18,283,324 |
| For the year ended 31 December 2021 |
Nature of relationship |
| Opening balance | Services received | Payments made | Ending balance | Affiliated entities: |
| - owned by the shareholder |
| 7,743,772 | 9,039,557 | (6,402,069) | 10,381,260 | - with common directors on the Company’s BOD |
| 5,903,691 | 8,184,167 | (5,711,691) | 8,376,167 | Total |
| 13,647,463 | 17,223,724 | (12,113,760) | 18,757,427 |
26.5Key management consists of the non-executive directors and the executive management. The compensation of key management personnel is as follows:
| For the period ended 31 March |
| 2022 | 2021 |
| Salaries and other short-term benefits |
| 5,458,091 | 2,817,854 | Post-employment benefits |
| 1,113,719 | 188,938 | Board of Directors’ remuneration |
| 2,374,000 | 1,883,500 |
| 8,945,810 | 4,890,292 |
| |
Disclosure of segments reporting [text block] |
The Group operates solely in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. For management purposes, the Group is organized into business units based on services provided. The reportable segments of the Group are:
Capital markets The activities of this segment include trading commission for securities and derivatives, admission fees from initial listing and further capital raises, annual fees charged for securities traded on the Group’s markets and fees from our secondary market services.
Post trade The activities of this segment include registration of investment portfolios in the filing and settlement system, register and file its ownership, transfer, settlement, clearing and safekeeping its ownership, registering any restriction of ownership on the file securities, and associate with members of the market and settlement agents to filing and settlement system. Furthermore, linking and managing records of securities issuers, organizing general assemblies for issuers including remote voting service for such assemblies, providing reports, notifications and information in addition to providing any other service relating to its activities according to financial market regulations. This business unit covers revenue from the post trade services.
Data & technology services The activities of this segment are to grow the business of Data &Technology Services which includes offering high-quality real-time trading data, reference data, market indices, financial information to the financial community, financial technology solutions, research & development in the field of engineering & technology and innovative capital market solutions for stakeholders. This business unit covers revenue from the Data and technology services.
Corporate Corporate manages future corporate development and controls all treasury related functions. All investments are incubated within this category, which also comprises managing strategy for business development, legal, finance, operations, human resources and customer relations management.
27.1Information about reportable segments:
31 March 2022 | Capital markets | Data & technology services | Post- trade | Total |
| Segment revenue | 121,280,303 | 24,609,817 | 148,058,872 | 293,948,992 | Segment profit before Zakat | 79,319,590 | 13,450,530 | 66,992,648 | 159,762,768 | Depreciation and amortisation | 5,016,201 | 706,231 | 6,022,585 | 11,745,017 | Segment profit after Zakat | 79,319,590 | 13,450,530 | 66,992,648 | 159,762,768 |
31 March 2021 | Capital Markets | Data & Technology Services | Post-Trade | Total |
| Segment revenue | 145,037,554 | 23,853,040 | 163,479,342 | 332,369,936 | Segment profit before Zakat | 101,253,864 | 13,491,409 | 83,131,663 | 197,876,936 | Depreciation and amortisation | 6,196,634 | 841,131 | 6,716,777 | 13,754,542 | Segment profit after Zakat | 101,253,864 | 13,491,409 | 83,131,663 | 197,876,936 |
27.2Reconciliation of information on reportable segments to the amounts reported in the financial statements: i. Net profit for the period 31 March 2022 | Capital market | Data & technology services | Post- trade | Total | Total profit before Zakat for reportable segments | 79,319,590 | 13,450,530 | 66,992,648 | 159,762,768 | Profit before Zakat for other segments |
| Unallocated amounts: |
| - Other corporate income | - | - | - | 8,323,573 | - Other corporate expenses | - | - | - | (6,228,899) | Consolidated profit before Zakat | 79,319,590 | 13,450,530 | 66,992,648 | 161,857,442 | Zakat expense | - | - | - | (21,222,308) | Consolidated profit after Zakat | 79,319,590 | 13,450,530 | 66,992,648 | 140,635,134 |
i. Net profit for the period (CONTINUED)
31 March 2021 | Capital market | Data & technology services | Post- trade | Total | Total profit before zakat for reportable segments | 101,253,864 | 13,491,409 | 83,131,663 | 197,876,936 | Profit before Zakat for other segments |
| Unallocated amounts: |
| - Other corporate income | - | - | - | 10,821,316 | - Other corporate expenses | - | - | - | (3,325,469) |
| Consolidated profit before zakat | 101,253,864 | 13,491,409 | 83,131,663 | 205,372,783 | Zakat expense | - | - | - | (25,737,453) | Consolidated profit after zakat | 101,253,864 | 13,491,409 | 83,131,663 | 179,635,330 |
ii. Operating revenue
31 March 2022 | Capital market | Data & technology services | Post- trade | Total |
Revenue recognised at a point-in-time |
Trading services | 99,020,660 | - | - | 99,020,660 | Technology services | - | 2,094,158 | - | 2,094,158 | Post trade services | - | - | 125,007,490 | 125,007,490 | Listing services | 1,970,000 | - | - | 1,970,000 | Derivatives | 202,012 | - | 9,100 | 211,112 | Membership | 32,000 | - | - | 32,000 |
Revenue recognised over-time |
Trading services | - | - | - | - | Data & technology services | - | 22,515,659 | - | 22,515,659 | Post trade services | - | - | 22,644,782 | 22,644,782 | Listing services | 19,657,850 | - | - | 19,657,850 | Derivatives | 28,687 | - | 45,000 | 73,687 | Membership | 369,094 | - | 352,500 | 721,594 | Consolidated revenue | 121,280,303 | 24,609,817 | 148,058,872 | 293,948,992 |
31 March 2021 | Capital market | Data & technology services | Post- trade | Total |
Revenue recognised at a point-in-time |
Trading services | 127,211,727 | - | - | 127,211,727 | Data & technology services | - | 4,194,043 | - | 4,194,043 | Post trade | - | - | 141,642,886 | 141,642,886 | Listing services | 170,000 | - | - | 170,000 | Derivatives | 199,764 | - | 4,120 | 203,884 | Membership | 46,000 | - | 120,000 | 166,000 |
Revenue recognised over-time
Trading services | - | - | - | - | Data & technology services | - | 19,658,997 | - | 19,658,997 | post trade | - | - | 21,292,172 | 21,292,172 | Listing services | 17,029,338 | - | - | 17,029,338 | Derivatives | 31,425 | - | 45,000 | 76,425 | Membership | 349,300 | - | 375,164 | 724,464 | Consolidated revenue | 145,037,554 | 23,853,040 | 163,479,342 | 332,369,936 |
| |
Disclosure of risk management [abstract] | | |
Disclosure of credit risk [text block] |
The Group has exposure to the following risks from its use of financial instruments: - Market risk; - Credit risk; - Operational risk; and - Liquidity risk.
This note presents information about the Group’s exposure to each of the above risks and the Group’s objectives, policies & processes for measuring & managing these risks. Furthermore quantitative disclosures are included throughout these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.
Risk management framework The Board of Directors has an overall responsibility for the establishment and oversight of the Group’s risk management framework. The Board is responsible for developing and monitoring the Group’s risk management policies. Furthermore, the Board reviews reports from relevant committees in relation to the above on a regular basis.
The Group’s risk management policies are established to identify and analyze the risks faced by the Group, to set appropriate risk limits & controls, and to monitor risks & adherence to limits. Risk management policies and systems are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in market conditions and the Group’s activities. The Group, through its training, management standards and procedures aims to develop a disciplined and constructive control environment in which all employees understand their roles and obligations.
Risk management structure A cohesive organisational structure is established within the Group in order to identify, assess, monitor and control risks.
Board of Directors The apex of risk governance is the centralised oversight of the Board of Directors providing direction and the necessary approvals of strategies and policies in order to achieve defined corporate goals.
Senior management Senior management is responsible for the day to day operations in respect of achieving the strategic goals within the Group’s pre-defined risk appetite.
The risks faced by the Group and the way these risks are mitigated by management are summarised below:
28.1 Market risk Market risk is the risk that the fair value of future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate, because of changes in market prices, whether those changes are caused by factors specific to the individual financial instrument or its issuer or factors affecting all similar financial instruments traded in the market. The Group limits market risk by maintaining a diversified portfolio and by monitoring the developments in financial markets. Market risk reflects price risk, currency risk and commission rate risk.
Price risk Price risk is the risk that the value of financial instruments will fluctuate due to changes in market prices. The Group’s price risk exposure relates to its quoted investments in mutual funds whose values will fluctuate as a result of changes in market prices.
A 1% change in the redemption prices and quoted prices of the investments, with all other variables held constant, would impact the condensed consolidated interim statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income as set out below:
| For the three-month period ended 31 March |
| 2022 | 2021 | Effect on profit for the period | (+/-)27,796,957 | (+/-)30,321,660 |
Currency risk Currency risk is the risk that the value of financial instruments will fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates. The Group is subject to fluctuations in foreign exchange rates in the normal course of its business. The Group did not undertake significant transactions in currencies other than Saudi Arabian Riyals.
Commission rate risk Commission risk is the exposure to multiple risks related to the impact of changes in commission rates in the market on the Group’s financial position and cash flows. The Group monitors the fluctuations in commission rates and believes that the impact of the risk is not significant as financial instruments held by the Group are not exposed to a variable commission rate risk.
| |
Disclosure of liquidity risk [text block] |
28.4Operational risk
Operational risk is the risk of direct or indirect loss arising from a wide variety of causes associated with the Group’s processes, personnel, technology & infrastructure and from external factors other than credit, market & liquidity risks such as those arising from legal & regulatory requirements and generally accepted standards of corporate behavior. Operational risks arise from all of the Group’s operations.
28.4Operational risk
The Group’s objective is to manage operational risk so as to balance the avoidance of financial losses and damage to the Group’s reputation with overall cost effectiveness and to avoid control procedures that restrict initiative and creativity.
Compliance with the Group’s standards is supported by a program of periodic reviews undertaken by Internal Audit. The results of Internal Audit reviews are discussed with the management of the business unit to which they relate, with summaries submitted to the Audit Committee and senior management of the Group. 28. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AND RISK MANAGEMENT (CONTINUED)
28.5 Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will encounter difficulty in meeting the obligations associated with its financial liabilities that are settled by delivering cash or another financial asset. The Group’s approach to managing liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will always have sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when due, under both normal and stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to the Group’s reputation.
The below schedule shows an analysis of financial assets and liabilities based on the contractual maturities:
| 31 March 2022 | 31 December 2021 |
| Carrying amount | Less than 12 months | More than 12 months | Total | Less than 12 months | More than 12 months | Total | Financial assets at fair value: |
| Investments | 2,835,028,499 | 2,779,695,714 | 55,332,785 | 2,835,028,499 | 2,631,732,808 | 55,272,377 | 2,687,005,185 | Financial assets at amortised cost: |
| Cash and cash equivalents | 101,406,524 | 101,406,524 | -- | 101,406,524 | 76,197,458 | - | 76,197,458 | Deposits with SAMA | 1,853,071,693 | 1,853,071,693 | -- | 1,853,071,693 | 28,013,567 | - | 28,013,567 | Account receivables | 123,423,611 | 123,423,611 | -- | 123,423,611 | 60,547,611 | - | 60,547,611 | Accrued operational revenue | 9,270,517 | 9,270,517 | -- | 9,270,517 | 9,064,755 | - | 9,064,755 | Advance to employees | 4,198,605 | 4,198,605 | -- | 4,198,605 | 5,404,641 | - | 5,404,641 | Advance for purchase of property | 77,500,000 | 77,500,000 | -- | 77,500,000 | 77,500,000 | - | 77,500,000 | Other receivables | 5,614,876 | 5,614,876 | -- | 5,614,876 | 5,425,592 | - | 5,425,592 | Total financial assets | 5,009,514,325 | 4,954,181,540 | 55,332,785 | 5,009,514,325 | 2,893,886,432 | 55,272,377 | 2,871,658,809 |
| Financial liabilities at amortised cost |
| Margin deposits from clearing participants | 1,832,776,825 | 1,832,776,825 | -- | 1,832,776,825 | 14,386,707 | - | 14,386,707 | Members’ contribution to clearing house funds | 3,760,368 | 3,760,368 | -- | 3,760,368 | 3,626,642 | - | 3,626,642 | Lease liability | 11,571,729 | 11,571,729 | -- | 11,571,729 | 982,913 | - | 982,913 | Accounts payable | 9,826,257 | 9,826,257 | -- | 9,826,257 | 6,785,710 | - | 6,785,710 | Balance due to Capital Market Authority | 33,065,570 | 33,065,570 | -- | 33,065,570 | 22,280,843 | - | 22,280,843 | Accrued expenses and other current liabilities | 192,249,416 | 192,249,416 | -- | 192,249,416 | 236,085,074 | - | 236,085,074 | Total financial liabilities | 2,083,250,165 | 2,083,250,165 | -- | 2,083,250,165 | 284,147,889 | -- | 284,147,889 | Net financial assets | 2,926,264,160 | 2,870,931,375 | 55,332,785 | 2,926,264,160 | 2,609,738,543 | 55,272,377 | 2,665,010,920 |
| |
Disclosure of subsequent events [text block] |
There is no event subsequent to the period which requires adjustment to or disclosure in these condensed consolidated interim financial statements. | |
Disclosure of commitments and contingencies [text block] |
Commitments represent the value not yet executed from supply contracts of assets and services to the Group as follows:
| 31 March 2022
| 31 December 2021
| Purchase of assets | 11,703,422 |
| 9,643,300 | Committed expenditure | 69,093,071 |
| 26,022,315 | Letters of guarantee | 1,147,940 |
| 1,147,940 |
| 81,944,433 |
| 36,813,555 |
| |
Disclosure of board of director's approval of the financial statements [text block] |
The consolidated financial statements have been approved by the Board of Directors on ______ 1443H corresponding to ___ 2022. | |
Disclosure of fair value hierarchy [text block] |
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Underlying the definition of fair value is the presumption that the Group is a going concern and there is no intention or requirement to curtail materially the scale of its operations or to undertake a transaction on adverse terms.
A financial instrument is regarded as quoted in an active market if quoted prices are readily and regularly available from an exchange dealer, broker, industry group, pricing service, or regulatory agency, and those prices represent actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arm's length basis.
When measuring the fair value, the Group uses market observable data as far as possible. Fair values are categorized into different levels in a fair value hierarchy based on the inputs used in the valuation techniques as follows.
Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that can be accessed at the measurement date
Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices).
Level 3: Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).
The following table shows the carrying amounts and fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities, including their levels in the fair value hierarchy. The fair value of all other / remaining financial assets and financial liabilities not mentioned below approximates to their carrying values.
Investments at FVTPL classified as level 2 include units of mutual funds, the fair value of which is determined based on the latest reported net assets value (NAV) as at the date of condensed consolidated interim statement of financial position.
| Carrying Value | fair value |
| Total fair value |
| Level 1 |
| Level 2 |
| Level 3 |
| Investments |
| - at amortised cost Sukuks | 55,332,785 |
| -- |
| 55,332,785 |
| -- |
| 55,332,785 |
| - at FVTPL | 2,758,980,272 |
| -- |
| 2,758,980,272 |
| -- |
| 2,758,980,272 |
| Money market funds and Real estate funds | 20,715,442 |
| -- |
| 20,715,442 |
| -- |
| 20,715,442 |
| Carrying Value | fair value |
| Total fair value |
| Level 1 |
| Level 2 |
| Level 3 |
| Investments |
| - at amortised cost Sukuks | 156,565,076 |
| -- |
| 156,565,076 |
| -- |
| 156,565,076 |
| - at FVTPL | 2,499,724,667 |
| -- |
| 2,499,724,667 |
| -- |
| 2,499,724,667 |
| Money market funds and Real estate funds | 30,715,442 |
| -- |
| 30,715,442 |
| -- |
| 30,715,442 |
There were no transfers between level 1 and level 2 fair value measurements, and no transfers into or out of level 3 fair value measurements as of 31 March 2022 (31 December 2021: Nil). | |
Disclosure of hedging activities and derivatives [text block] |
The Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting on 5 March 2022 recommended the General Assembly to approve the distribution of dividends to the shareholders for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2021 with a total amount of 360 million Saudi Riyals, equivalent to 3 Saudi Riyals per share representing 30% of the share par value, provided that the dividend eligibility shall be to the Shareholders who own the Company’s shares and registered in the Company’s register at the Securities Depository Center Company (Edaa) by the end of the second trading day following the date of the Company’s General Assembly (the “Eligibility Date”), and the date of the dividend distribution shall be within fifteen days from the Eligibility Date. | |